Writing Workshop

My Editor in Chief offers extensive research around college applications, helping you save time and energy so that you can focus on the most important piece of the process – you! If you have a number of students who would like to benefit together from our coaching, small group workshops are available upon request.

Workshop A | Conquering the College Application

A 2-hour workshop designed for Juniors and Seniors.  This seminar offers the best tools and advice for starting the process. My Editor in Chief has extensively researched the process, saving you precious time so that you can focus on the most important piece of the process – your input.

  • Planning timeline
  • Choosing a major & developing a college list
  • Identify impactful extra-curricular activities
  • Compile an impressive honors list
  • What to email your Admission Counselors
  • Test types and explanations
  • Personal statement & supplemental essays
  • Different types of deadlines
  • Tracking your application
  • Recommendation on best resources
  • Advice from local high school counselors and teachers

Student will be asked to bring their high school credentials, a laptop for online work, and any list of activities, resume, or college essay drafts they have started.

Accepted college application
Student resume for college

Workshop B | Rocking the Student Resume & Recs

A 2-hour workshop on developing a student resume and preparing to obtain the most meaningful letters of recommendation from your counselor, teachers, coaches, bosses, and mentors. My Editor in Chief consults with high school counselors to determine your best approach. Know what your advocates need from you to help them accurately & honestly write about you, your past performance, and future success. It’s a team effort! 

  • Guidance on activities list, honors, and achievements
  • Know the process you need to follow for developing a resume
  • Understand what sections to include on your resume
  • Choose the right format for your selections
  • Write an effective objective statement and mission statement
  • Know how to highlight hard and soft skills
  • Learn to be Common App Ready (Seniors)
  • Determine what materials advocates need
  • Devise a communication plan for engaging your advocates (emails, packets, follow-up strategy)

Students are asked to bring their high school credentials, a laptop for online work, and lists of activities or resume drafts they have started.

Workshop C | Connecting Through the College Essay

A 2-hour introduction and writing workshop focused on the development of the personal statement and supplemental essays. My Editor in Chief helps you understand the personal statement and supplemental essays in a way that inspires and equips you to produce meaningful essays. 

  • Understanding the personal statement and supplemental essays
  • Choosing the right prompt for you
  • Engaging in brainstorming and prewriting exercises
  • Answering the prompt with intentional language
  • Finding a focus and building an application narrative
  • Tackling the title and first sentence
  • Analyzing sample essays, peer insight
  • Utilizing tips and strategies provided by admissions officers, counselors, teachers
  • Writing time (Individual mentoring: write. revise. edit)

Students are asked to bring their high school credentials, a laptop for online work, and lists of activities, resume, and essay drafts they have started.

College essay note on keyboard